Food Lifestyle News

FDA Requested To Investigate Prime Energy

US Senator Chuck Schumer has taken action by urging the FDA to investigate Prime Energy due to concerns over its high caffeine content. The senator is particularly alarmed by the potential health risks this drink poses to children, whom he believes are heavily targeted by the company’s marketing efforts.

Prime Energy offers two distinct products: a non-caffeinated sports drink akin to Gatorade, and an energy drink containing approximately 200mg of caffeine. It is the latter product that has raised concerns, as Senator Schumer argues that Prime fails to provide sufficient disclosure regarding its caffeine content, especially considering its appeal to children.

By requesting an FDA investigation, Senator Schumer aims to shed light on the potential health hazards posed by Prime Energy’s high caffeine content and the company’s marketing practices. The senator’s actions underscore the importance of protecting consumers, particularly vulnerable populations such as children, from potential health risks associated with the consumption of heavily caffeinated products.

The outcome of the FDA investigation will determine whether further action is warranted to ensure proper labeling and disclosure standards for Prime Energy’s products. Ultimately, the objective is to safeguard public health and ensure that consumers, particularly parents and caregivers, are fully informed about the contents and potential risks of the products they consume or provide to others.