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Subway Promises Free Food for People who Change their Name to “Subway”

Subway, the popular sandwich chain, has launched a unique and enticing promotion, searching for a true sandwich enthusiast who is willing to change their first name to “Subway.” In exchange for this name change, the lucky individual will be rewarded with a lifetime supply of free food and beverages from the company.

To make the process smooth and hassle-free, Subway has pledged to cover the winner’s $750 legal fees required for the name change. By doing so, they aim to encourage individuals to embrace the “Subway” name and enjoy a lifetime of their delicious subs.

The promotion allows the chosen candidate, now officially “Subway,” four months to provide the company with proof of their name change before claiming their lifetime footlong prize. This creative and attention-grabbing campaign highlights Subway’s dedication to engaging with their customers and building a strong brand connection.

This fun and unconventional initiative are sure to generate excitement among Subway fans and name-change enthusiasts alike. It reflects the brand’s innovative approach to marketing and their commitment to celebrating their loyal customers in a distinctive way. For the lucky individual who decides to embrace the name “Subway,” a lifetime of delicious subs and beverages awaits as a delicious reward for their sandwich passion.