
China Maps Stake Claim over Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin

The Chinese government recently unveiled a new map reaffirming its territorial claims over Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin, marking the regions as part of its territory. The map release occurred during the celebration of Surveying and Mapping Publicity Day and the National Mapping Awareness Publicity Week, according to reports.

The map portrays Arunachal Pradesh within the region that China refers to as South Tibet, signaling its assertion over the area. Additionally, the map includes Aksai Chin, a region that was occupied by China during the 1962 Indo-Sino war. The move highlights China’s ongoing territorial disputes and aspirations in these regions.

The map’s presentation was shared by China’s official mouthpiece, the Global Times, on the platform X (formerly Twitter). The accompanying statement by the Global Times noted that the map was compiled based on China’s perspective of national boundaries and those of various other countries around the world.

This development further accentuates the long-standing and complex territorial issues between China and India, adding another layer to the geopolitical dynamics in the region. As both countries continue to assert their claims and diplomatic efforts persist, the map’s release serves as a significant reminder of the ongoing disputes over these regions. Just when I thought peace talks might go well, this happens. It’s annoying.