
Amazon India Working on New AI to Empower Small Businesses

Amazon India is on the cutting edge of technological innovation with the development of SahAI, a generative artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to assist its business partners. Currently, in the trial phase, SahAI aims to break down barriers and open doors for new businesses looking to join the marketplace.

The primary focus of SahAI is to provide comprehensive support to small businesses, particularly in managing the back end of their products. This AI tool offers assistance with various crucial aspects of product listings, including content creation, image optimization, product details, summaries, and more.

By offering this level of support, Amazon India hopes to empower small businesses and facilitate their entry into the e-commerce marketplace. SahAI’s capabilities promise to streamline the process of creating and managing product listings, making it easier for entrepreneurs to reach a broader customer base and thrive in the competitive online market.

Amazon’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and innovation is evident in its development of SahAI. As this generative AI tool progresses from the trial phase, it has the potential to revolutionize the way small businesses operate on the platform, ultimately contributing to their growth and success.