
Most People Still Refer to “X” as Twitter

Most People Still Refer to "X" as Twitter

Twitter’s recent rebranding attempt, led by Elon Musk, has encountered resistance from many long-time users who are hesitant to let go of the platform’s original identity.

A survey conducted by The Harris Poll and AdAge’s research division sheds light on the situation. Despite the rebranding efforts, a significant 69% of U.S. X users still refer to the platform as “Twitter” and continue to use the term “tweets” for its posts.

The survey further highlights that while X users are aware of the rebrand, only 31% have wholeheartedly embraced the new name. It seems that several factors contribute to this resistance, including the lingering negative connotations associated with the letter X.

Twitter’s attempt to evolve into “X” represents a significant shift, and change is often met with reluctance. Long-time users’ attachment to the original name and terminology demonstrates the challenges companies face when rebranding, even with the backing of high- profile figures like Elon Musk.

Only time will tell if “X” can truly replace “Twitter” in the hearts and minds of its users.