
Madhya Pradesh Bureaucrat Nisha Napit Murdered by Husband Over Nominee Dispute

Madhya Pradesh Bureaucrat Nisha Napit Murdered by Husband Over Nominee Dispute

In a tragic incident in Dindori district, Madhya Pradesh, 51-year-old Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Nisha Napit was brutally murdered by her unemployed husband, Manish Sharma. The motive behind the crime was Nisha’s refusal to nominate him in her service, insurance, and bank records.

The crime unfolded as Manish Sharma smothered Nisha Napit with a pillow at their residence in Shahpura. Following the murder, he sat near the body for approximately six hours before taking it to the local community health center. The police, alerted by doctors who noticed blood stains, swiftly arrested the accused.

In an attempt to mislead investigators, Manish Sharma initially claimed that his wife, Nisha, suffered from a kidney ailment. However, his fabricated story fell apart under intense interrogation. He had even gone as far as washing the blood-stained clothes and the pillow in a washing machine to destroy crucial evidence.

The couple, introduced through a matrimonial site, got married in 2020. Family members of the deceased revealed a history of physical abuse by Manish Sharma, driven by his relentless demand to be nominated in Nisha’s service, insurance policies, and bank accounts.

Manish Sharma has been booked under various charges, including murder. The investigation team, praised by the local Deputy Inspector General of Police Mukesh Srivastav, successfully solved the case within 24 hours. A reward of Rs 20,000 has been announced for the diligent investigators.

The brutal murder of Nisha Napit sheds light on the complexities of personal relationships and the consequences of domestic disputes. The legal proceedings against Manish Sharma will unfold as the authorities seek justice for the heinous crime committed against the Madhya Pradesh bureaucrat.