
A Planet 120 Light-Years Away Shows Signs of Life

A Planet 120 Light-Years Away Shows Signs of Life

The James Webb Space Telescope has potentially detected life indicators on the distant planet K2-18b. This discovery centers on the presence of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) in the planet’s atmosphere, a compound exclusively produced by life on Earth.

Alongside DMS, the telescope also detected methane and CO2, further hinting at the possibility of a water ocean on the planet.

It’s important to note that this finding is not yet confirmed, and further research is required to validate these initial observations. K2-18b, situated 120 light years away from Earth, continues to be the subject of intense study, with researchers eagerly awaiting more data in the coming year.

This potential discovery opens up new avenues for understanding the potential habitability of distant exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life.