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Biggest GPS Drawing Made to Propose

Yasushi Takahashi embarked on an extraordinary adventure that would not only test his physical endurance but also demonstrate his unwavering love for his girlfriend. Leaving her behind for six months, he embarked on a journey across Japan to create an epic marriage proposal. Armed with a GPS device, Takahashi set out to cover an astonishing distance of 7,163.7 kilometers.

Throughout his expedition, Yassan primarily relied on walking, but he also utilized a car, ferry, and bicycle at times to navigate the vast expanse of Japan. Every step he took, every path he followed, was part of a meticulous plan to create a heartfelt message for his beloved.

Upon his return, Takahashi downloaded the GPS data into Google Maps, revealing a remarkable image spelling out the words “Marry me.” This awe-inspiring creation caught the attention of Guinness, leading to its certification as the world’s largest GPS drawing.

Takahashi’s dedication, creativity, and unwavering commitment to his relationship showcase the extraordinary lengths people will go to express their love. His epic marriage proposal serves as an enduring testament to the power of love and the importance of making grand gestures that leave an indelible mark on the hearts of loved ones.