
Decode Politics: Why change in a Karnataka Act on temple funds has pitted BJP against Congress

Decode Politics: Why change in a Karnataka Act on temple funds has pitted BJP against Congress

The Karnataka government’s amendment to the Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments Act has sparked a political controversy between the Congress and the BJP. The amendment consolidates temple funds to create a common pool for the upkeep of nearly 35,000 temples in the state, altering the percentage of income diverted to the pool based on annual earnings. The BJP opposes the amendment, accusing the government of taking control of temples and diverting funds. The political significance of temple funding is emphasized, with both parties differing on temple management approaches.

Key Points:

  1. Amendment Details: The amendment diverts a percentage of the gross income of temples to a common pool for maintenance. The revised law impacts temples earning over Rs 1 crore annually, changing the income brackets for fund diversion.
  2. BJP Opposition: The BJP criticizes the amendment, alleging the government is robbing temples and questions why only Hindu places of worship are targeted. BJP leaders accuse the government of eyeing temple incomes for its own benefit.
  3. Conflict History: The Congress and BJP previously clashed over temple management in 2022 when the BJP proposed freeing temples from state control. The BJP advocates temple management by trusts, while the Congress supports state management for equitable distribution of funds.
  4. Temple Funding Differences: Temple funding varies across governments, with data showing allocations by the BJP and Congress-JD(S) coalition. The political significance of temple funding is highlighted, and leaders are increasingly providing funds for temple upkeep in their constituencies.
  5. Allegations and Responses: The Congress denies allegations, stating that the common pool concept existed since the Act’s enactment in 1997. The BJP’s claims are labeled as misleading and aimed at polarizing people along communal lines for political gain.

Significance: The temple funding controversy highlights the intersection of religion and politics, particularly with the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. The differing approaches of the Congress and BJP to temple management reflect broader ideological and political differences.