Account Deactivation / Deletion / Data Deletion Process

[plugin_delete_me /]


You can temporarily deactivate your account by clicking on (Insert link of the form page). Once your request is registered, it will take 7 business days to deactivate your account. If you want to return to your account after you deactivate it, you can reactivate your account at any time by logging into the account again. Remember, you must have access to the email or mobile number you use to log in to complete the reactivation.


Account Deletion means:

  • You’ll lose all the data and content in that account, like notifications, registration, activity trails, files, calendars, and photos.
  • You won’t be able to use any PIPOnet service where you sign in with that account,

You’ll lose access to subscriptions and access to any other associated service.You can permanently delete your account by clicking on (Insert link of the form page).  You may cancel the deletion of your account less than 30 calendar days after initiating the deletion. After 30 days your account and all your information will be permanently deleted, and you will not be able to retrieve your data and information.

It may take up to 90 days from the start of the deletion process for everything to be deleted. When we delete this information, it is no longer accessible to you using PIPOnet app.

Copies of your information may remain in backup storage after 90 days that we use in the event of a disaster, software error or other data loss. We may also retain your information for legal issues, terms violations, or harm prevention efforts. Learn more about our privacy poAlicy.


Data Deletion means:

  • You’ll lose all the data and content in that account, like notifications, registration, activity trails, files, calendars, and photos.
  • You won’t be able to use any PIPOnet service where you sign in with that account,
  • You’ll lose access to subscriptions and access to any other associated service.

You have the right to access your personal data and to have iterased or removed from our systems. Though you can make the request in any format you choose, you may use this form.

Please be aware that if you request to have your personal data erased, there are specific reasons for which we may decline your request and your personal data will continue to be processed. Click on (Insert link of the form page) to delete the data

You have the right to have your personal data erased in the following circumstances (please circle the appropriate boxes):

  • Where you feel your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we originally collected it;
  • Where you no longer consent to our processing of your personal data;
  • Where you feel your personal data has been unlawfully processed.
  • Where you feel we are subject to a legal obligation that requires the erasure of your personal data;
  • Where you are a child, you represent a child, or you were a child at the time of the data processing and you feel your personal data was used to offer you information society services.
  • We will do our best to respond promptly and in any event within one month, whichever happens to be later, of the following:
  • our receipt of your written request; or
  • our receipt of any further information we may ask you to provide to enable us to comply with your request. Please note that in certain circumstances we may not be able to erase the information you requested, where erasure may, would, or could:
  • our receipt of any further information we may ask you to provide to enable us to comply with your request. Please note that in certain circumstances we may not be able to erase the information you requested, where erasure may, would, or could:
  • adversely affect the freedom of expression;
  • contradict a legal obligation;
  • Act against the public interest in the area of public health;
  • Act against the public interest in the area of scientific or historical research; or
  • prohibit the establishment of a legal defence or exercise of other legal claims.
  • In such cases, you will be informed promptly and given full reasons for that decision.

Submit Request

[contact-form-7 id=”1351″ title=”FORM”]