
IIT Bombay Receives 160cr Anonymous Donation from Alumnus

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay has received a significant donation of Rs 160 crore from an anonymous alumnus. The generous contribution is designated for the establishment of a Green Energy and Sustainability Research (GESR) Hub, a move aimed at advancing research in critical domains such as solar photovoltaics, battery technologies, clean-air science, flood forecasting, and carbon capture.

The anonymous donation underscores the commitment of IIT Bombay’s alumni and supporters to fostering innovative research and solutions in the field of green energy and sustainability. The establishment of the GESR Hub will enable the institute to play a pivotal role in addressing pressing global challenges related to climate change and environmental sustainability.

The financial support from the unnamed donor will empower researchers at IIT Bombay to explore cutting-edge technologies and strategies that contribute to a more sustainable future. The focus on areas like solar energy, battery technologies, and clean-air science reflects the institution’s dedication to advancing cleaner and more efficient solutions for energy generation and environmental protection.

As IIT Bombay receives this substantial donation, it reinforces the vital role that educational and research institutions play in driving positive change on a global scale. The establishment of the GESR Hub not only aligns with the institute’s commitment to academic excellence but also positions it as a hub of innovation and progress in the field of green energy and sustainability.