In preparation for his role in “Oppenheimer,” Matt Damon delved into the historical context surrounding the development and deployment of atomic bombs during World War II. During his research, Damon had a conversation with Ben Affleck’s grandfather, who happened to be a Marine veteran.
In the conversation, Affleck’s grandfather candidly shared his recollection of the time when news of the atomic bombs being dropped on Japan reached the troops. He revealed that many of the Marines, including himself, cheered upon hearing the news. However, he also expressed remorse and the burden of living with that memory, recognizing the gravity of the devastation caused by those bombings.
The veteran’s revelation offered Damon valuable insight into the complex emotions and conflicting sentiments experienced by those who lived through such historic events. It sheds light on the prevailing mentality of wartime, where soldiers were often inundated with information and propaganda aimed at motivating them to persevere in the face of immense challenges.
The anecdote shared by Damon portrays the internal struggle faced by individuals who may have celebrated such events in the heat of battle, only to later come to terms with the immense human cost and ethical implications of such actions.