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Rare Twin Pandas Born in South Korea

A South Korean zoo is celebrating the birth of twin panda cubs, marking the country’s first occurrence of such an event. The female cubs, who are currently palm-sized, were born at the Everland Resort theme park near Seoul on July 7. This is considered a rare occurrence, as the chances of pandas giving birth to twins are less than 50%.

In the wild, twin pandas often struggle to survive, as mothers typically focus their care on only one cub. However, both the mother and her newborns are reported to be in good health, according to the zoo.

The staff is providing postpartum care based on their experience from assisting the mother during her previous delivery of a cub named Fu Bao, who is now nine years old.

The birth of these twin cubs is significant, as it contributes to the conservation efforts for this endangered species. Pandas are known for their vulnerability and low reproductive rates, making each birth a cause for celebration and hope for their future.

The zoo and its staff will continue to monitor the health and development of the cubs, ensuring they receive the best possible care.