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Robber asks out Victim

In an astonishing twist during an armed robbery, the suspect surprised the victim by promising to repay the stolen money. The incident occurred in Indianapolis when Damien Boyce approached a woman’s home while she was outside retrieving her mail. Threatening to break in, Boyce changed his plan when the victim mentioned having money in her car. Instead, she handed him around $100.

Remarkably, Boyce then proceeded to compliment her, ask her out and requested to be added as a friend on Facebook while revealing his name, all while pointing his firearm at the victim.

In a surprising move, she complied, hoping it would prompt him to leave. Her plan worked, as Boyce promptly fled on a bicycle after the victim added him on social media.

Law enforcement authorities are investigating the incident, utilizing the information provided by the victim. The motive behind Boyce’s unexpected promise to repay the money remains unknown. This incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of criminal situations and the importance of staying calm and assessing the best course of action for personal safety.