
Scientists Predict Date When an Asteroid Could Potentially Hit the Earth with Huge Force

Scientists Predict Date When an Asteroid Could Potentially Hit the Earth with Huge Force

Scientists have pinpointed a day when asteroid Bennu could potentially pose a danger to Earth with a force equivalent to 22 atomic bombs. However, NASA reassures the public that the risk of Bennu colliding with Earth on September 24, 2182, is “extremely small.”

This distant date falls near the close of the 22nd century, providing humanity with ample time to prepare. Bennu, with a width of about a third of a mile, is only half the size of the asteroid believed to have caused the extinction of dinosaurs.

While a Bennu impact would result in significant devastation within a 600-mile radius, it would not trigger a global extinction event.

NASA remains vigilant, continuously monitoring and studying asteroids like Bennu to assess potential risks and develop strategies for planetary defense. While the threat is acknowledged, there is no immediate cause for concern, and preparations can be made over the coming centuries to safeguard our planet.