
Shah Rukh Khan has 17 phones, is mostly travelling and running an empire’: Vivek Vaswani reveals why he hasn’t met the actor in four years

Shah Rukh Khan has 17 phones, is mostly travelling and running an empire’: Vivek Vaswani reveals why he hasn’t met the actor in four years

Vivek Vaswani, who played a crucial role in Shah Rukh Khan’s entry into Hindi cinema and supported him during his initial struggles, recently revealed that he and SRK no longer share a relationship. Vaswani disclosed that it has been four years since he last talked to or met Shah Rukh Khan. Despite not having regular communication, Vaswani mentioned that they remain fond of each other. He expressed a desire to work with Shah Rukh’s daughter, Suhana, in the future.

Key Points:

  1. Past Connection: Vivek Vaswani played a supportive role in Shah Rukh Khan’s early career, and SRK stayed at Vaswani’s house during his struggling days.
  2. Current Relationship: Vaswani stated that there is no ongoing relationship, communication, or meetings between him and Shah Rukh Khan. However, they maintain a fondness for each other.
  3. Potential Collaboration: Despite the lack of regular contact, Vaswani expressed interest in directing or producing a film featuring Shah Rukh’s daughter, Suhana, citing her tremendous potential.
  4. Last Meeting: The last time Vaswani met Shah Rukh Khan was at the actor’s birthday party in 2018. They enjoyed the party, and when they meet, the years seem not to matter.
  5. Phone Communication: Vaswani revealed that Shah Rukh Khan has 17 phones, making it challenging to connect. Despite facing a hard time and battling cancer, Vaswani did not reach out as SRK’s busy schedule and responsibilities limit his availability.

Significance: The disclosure highlights the dynamics of relationships in the entertainment industry, where initial support and camaraderie may evolve over time due to busy schedules and changing priorities. Vaswani’s interest in working with Suhana Khan indicates a willingness to nurture new talent.